Roadtrip: The Cleavers Go Camping

Camping is in my blood. My brother and dad both reached the rank Eagle Scout and as a kid we when car camping all the time in all the state and national parks up and down California. I've always lover camping, but since I started college I've been camping a total of once. So this summer the mister and I decided that we would go camping for our big vacation.

Problem being that aside from the sleeping bag my mother mailed me, we had zero camping equipment.  So in the past few months Mr .Cleaver and I have stockpiling camping equipment thanks to a number of gift cards we had received for LL Bean.

While we've made a reservation for a site for a number of days in August, we wanted to take our new gear for a test run first. So this weekend we took a one-night jaunt to the campground at Bradbury Mountain State Park.  I brought along the camera to document our test run:

It's up!


Spinning in the Wilderness(Didn't think I'd skip my Tour de Fleece responsibilities did you?)


2 Matches Left

I won't say the box was completely full when we started on the fire, but it was pretty close - but in my defense the wood was kinda damp

Smore's makings

Playing with Fire

Makin' S'mores

I earned this s'more!


Sweet dreams - and then we realized that sleeping pads would be a good idea :)

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S'more Pie: Take Two

S'more Pie - Perfected

Back on May 14th, 2008 I posted a pie without a recipe or a link to a recipe - it was an attempt that didn't quite work out and I hadn't gotten another chance to test out a new version.  My brother has not let me live this down. He pretty much brings it up every time we talk.

S'more Pie - Perfected

In general, I just wasn't all that inspired to give it another try, but then I had the Snicker's Pie at the Great Lost Bear and found my chocolate filling. That, along with  having my company holiday potluck today, gave me enough reason to make a second go. (Oh  - and can I say my company's Christmas potluck includes a fresh raw oyster shucking station and a pound of local shrimp is the parting gift? I love Maine. )

The tart was a big hit at the party -  it turned out exactly how I wanted, chocolately without being too much like cake or pudding and a perfect balance of flavors.  And so after a year and a half of waiting,  here it is.

Merry Christmas, Big Brother.

S'more Pie - Perfected

S’more Pie

Makes 8 to 10 servings

For crust: 8 to 9 graham crackers,  finely ground (about 1 cup) 5 to 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1/4 cup sugar

For filling: 1 1/4 cups (10 oz.) heavy cream 9 ounces bittersweet chocolate chips (not more than 65% cacao if marked)(as always, I prefer Ghirardelli’s) 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon salt

For Topping: Half a bag of mini-marshmallows

Equipment: a 9-inch round fluted tart pan (1 inch deep) or 9-inch pie pan

Make crust:

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Shift together graham crackers and sugar. Stir in melted butter and press evenly onto bottom and up sides of tart pan. Bake until firm, about 10-12 minutes. Cool on a rack 15 to 20 minutes

Make filling:

Bring cream to a boil, then pour over chocolate in a bowl and let stand 5 minutes. Gently stir until smooth. Whisk together eggs, vanilla, and salt in another bowl until frothy, then fold into melted chocolate.

Pour filling into cooled crust. Bake until filling is set about 3 inches from edge but center is still wobbly, 20 to 25 minutes. (Center will continue to set as tart cools.) Cool completely in pan on rack, about 1 hour.

Add topping: Distribute about half a bag of mini marshmallows on the tart, until the top of tart is evenly covered and place under broiler until marshmallows are golden brown (about 1-2 minutes, but watch carefully and rotate as needed).

Best served when marshmallows are warm and gooey! (If you don't eat it all in one sitting - and I'd be amazed if you do - it's seriously rich, store in the fridge. Let sit out until room temperature before eating and if desired, microwave for a few seconds to re-gooify the marshmallows).

In other news, last weekend I made my annual batch of peanut brittle and this photo op was too good to skip, even if my hair is a little crazy and I'm wearing one of John's flannel shirts.

Peanut Brittle


Peanut Brittle

In other, other news. I'm off to my hometown of Napa, California for a week come Sunday. I haven't been back since before I was married! I may not have internet while I'm gone, but I'll let you know all about it on my return. If you're a Napa-based reader, send me a email/comment before Sunday - I'd love to meet up!

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S'more Pie: Take One

Slice of S'More

So I'm going to bad here, and post something I baked today sans recipe. I'm doing this because the recipe isn't ready yet, but when it is, it'll be here.

I came up with the idea for the S'more pie sometime shortly after watching Waitress, a little film that is well worth renting, especially if you like pie. As often happens, life intervened and I never got around to making this pie until today.

S'more Pie

The basic idea is this: graham cracker crust, flourless chocolate cake filling, topped with perfectly browned mini-marshmellow. A s'more in a pie!

Closeup of S'more Pie

This was a good start. There are some issues that need addressing, the crust isn't quite right and got a little too crispy, the filling wasn't chocolately enough for me and the marshmellow is a little overwhelming, but like I said, a good start.

I also tasted it just out of the oven to capture the meltiness of marshmellow, but I'm interested to see if the flavors meld more when cooled. It'll probably be a while before I get another shot at this one, but I'll let you all know when I do.

Slice of S'more

On a completely unrelated note: New Hair






I chopped off all my hair in preparation for summer weather.

(Sorry Mom).


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