My Sweet New Ride

Lent Day 34

As promised, my new bicycle!!

I'm very excited about this. I've wanted a bike for a couple year now, but there was no place in our tiny apartment to store one. Well now that I have a garage, all I needed to do was find the right bike. Thanks to a helpful volunteer at the Great Maine Bike Swap, I ended up with this vintage beauty.


I don't know the specific model, but it's a Sears 3-Speed, probably from the 1960s. I'm thinking it definitely needs a basket, and a name. I'll take any naming suggestions in the comments.


Bicycle Parts

It's been raining a lot the past few days, so I haven't had much of a chance to ride yet (I also need to buy a helmet), but I can't wait. My goal is to be able to ride to work by this summer (it's about 8 miles).


As for Lent, today's (day 34) outfit is brought to you by the color yellow:

Lent Day 34

Cotton Cardigan: Old Navy (old)

Dress: Vintage, from Clothes Optional in Chicago, IL

Bottle Cap Barrett: purchased in Old Town Eureka, CA

Shoes: Clarks Outlet


Off we go!!

Lent Day 34

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