2011 in Review

Master Bedroom Mosaic

We became homeowners on Dec 31 of 2010, and a lot of this year was learning the in and outs of being homeowners. We removed what didn't want and started building in what we did. We peeled wallpaper and painted walls.

Snowpocalyspe 11:30am

Shoveled snow and learned the importance of roof-rakes.  (Hint: don't pile that much snow that close to your house)

Gardening Station in the Garage

Perennials were planted in the spring and bulbs were planted in the fall. Lawns were moved and leaves raked. Floors were swept and appliances replaced. And at some point along the way it stopped being their house and started being ours.

Karen & Chris

Starting the day after we moved in, we filled our home with friends: Pie Day, poker games, dinners and documentaries. The highlight was inviting over all our friends for a summer time barbecue and concert.



And we saw a little doggy online and decided to invite him to stay for the long-haul.


During Lent I wore skirts for 47 days and visited Washington D.C. for the first time.

Cherry Blossoms

Korea Memorial

In sewing, I got my own studio space and made a thing or two.


My creation

Fiber-wise, I learned how to dye and needlefelt.



I bought a loom and made a total of one scarf.

The pattern appears

I also did a fair amount of spinning, but haven't quite met my knitolution of knitting anything with handspun yet.

Tour de Fleece Skein One

Knitwise, this has been a huge year for me. I've released three patterns with Quince & Co., one with Twist Collective, and six on my own. I started a mailing list.

My creation

It's amazing to me how much has happened in one year, and how quickly that year has gone. There's snow on the ground outside now and it's a few days to Christmas. It's been a helluva year in the best way possible.

Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy New Year!


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2010: In Review

2010: In Review Looking back at 2010, I'm amazed at how big of a year it has been for me.

A few weeks ago, I was speaking on the phone to a friend who's was just finishing his first semester of grad school - and he is very much a grad student  - everything is big ideas, and being humbled, and learning, and being amazed at how much there is to learn - and he's exactly where he should be.  Then I talked a bit about what I've been up to, and I got the feeling, in his eyes at least, that it all seemed small and a little dull.

I suppose, in some ways it is.

On most days, I get up choose between oatmeal, cereal, and waffles; go to work; come home; watch Jeopardy!; hang out with Mr. Cleaver; have tea and desert; read; and go to bed by 10:00 - 11:00. Overall, not much changes from day to day.

Back when I worked in the theatre, everything was always building up to opening night, getting more frenetic and exciting and exhausting as the big day neared. Then there were a few weeks of runs, and then you tore it all down and started creating something new. It was wonderful and very tiring. I burnt out and I decided to do something different and more stable with my career and my hobbies.

I got a good job in a completely new field that is a wellspring of new things to learn, I turned my creative energy into my knitting and sewing. My days have a quiet rhythm to them and I like it.

But even in that quiet everyday rhythm, sometimes big things happen:

I started a business this year, releasing seven knitting patterns and submitting a half-dozen more.

I planted my first garden and learned the joys of growing and processing your own food.

I took up running and ran a 5k.

I traveled to Rhinebeck, Chicago, Boston, and Southern California.

I camped and canoed and enjoyed a perfect Maine summer.

I increased my sewing skills, tissue-fitted, made muslins, and sewed a coat.

I spent more time developing my friendships.

And this morning Mr. Cleaver and I bought our first home.


Like I said, 2010 has been a very big year.

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2009 Year in Review

2009 in Review

A very Happy New Year from Mr. and Ms. Cleaver!

Thank you for sharing 2009 with us and I look forward to an exciting Twenty-Ten!

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2008 in Review

They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words, so consider this 25,000 about 2008.

It's been quite the year and I want to send out a big THANKS to everyone who was a part of it!

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