Me-Made May: Week One

Me-Made May has been around for several years now, since 2010, and I had always intended to participate, but never really got around to it. So this year, I finally got my act together and went in whole hog. 

For those unfamiliar with Me-Made May, the link above gives a good overview, but in short, the idea is to wear your handmade garments/accessories everyday for the month of May. Some people chose to wear one handmade item, others to only wear handmade. 

I knit my first sweater in November 2007 and started regularly sewing a few months before that. In the nine years since then, my wardrobe has gotten to a point where about 75% of it is handmade. When I told Mr. Cleaver about participating in this challenge, his response was "Well, that won't be hard for you."

And in truth it's not really. If you start from the basics all my underpinnings (bra, underwear, socks) are handmade, so I check that box on a daily basis. So my goal for Me-Made May has been to have the majority of each day's visible outfit be handmade. 

You can see the outfits thus far above. I have been doing the daily selfie thing (which isn't a requirement), but if you're interested in details of each outfit, I've been posting them on my Instagram account. I'll also be doing a more detailed roundup (with charts!) at the end of the month. 

Are you participating in Me-Made May? I so so, shout out (or link) below!

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