One Week

So those pictures I posted in my last post with the baby bump? I glad I took them that morning, because less than 24 hours later I was going into labor. Well technically, my water partially broke and I didn't actually go into labor and had to be induced, but by the next evening I was in the hospital working on bringing this into the world.


The afternoon of March 22nd brought 9 pounds and 4 oz of our very own little red-headed girl and we couldn't be more overjoyed, proud, overwhelmed, amazed, everything.


Sometimes I just hold her in my arms and can't believe how beautiful and wonderful it all is and how soft her hair is.


And yes, I've been projectile spit up on and our laundry in the past week has more than doubled and there are a lot of diapers and late night feedings, but it couldn't be more worth it.


Steinbeck has been a very curious but very good big brother and Mr. Cleaver is the absolute best.


I know my life is going to be totally different going forward and I have no idea what to expect, but I'm looking forward to living life with this wee one.


I've debated more about what to call our little girl on this blog than we did on her actual name and I still haven't settle on anything, but it'll come in time I'm sure. Until then, I'm off to cuddle my little one.

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