Meet Steinbeck

IMGP3142.JPGIt's been a bit busy around the Cleaver household for the past week, because on July the 2nd, this guy joined our lives.IMGP3141.JPG

Meet Steinbeck (formerly know as Drake). He's a 3-year old shepherd terrier mix, we adopted via Lucky Pup Rescue. This handsome fella came all the way from Texas to live with us.


They say it takes a few weeks to a month for the dogs true personality to come out, but thus far we've discovered that Steinbeck is a 60-pound cuddle muffin, who wants nothing more than to sit on the sofa and be in your lap. Which is just fine with me.

IN just a week, we've pretty much fallen in love with this guy, as for what he thinks of us??


Time will tell. :)

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